Tonight I attended a meet 'n' greet for Iowa Legislators, which was held at the downtown Des Moines Quality Inn. I went with Jay Villwock, who reluctantly drove, and our friend Dave Thrasher. We were able to have conversations with Shawn Hamerlinck, Republican Senator from Dixon, Iowa. Scott and Nathaniel Weiser, lobbyists. Wally Horn, Democratic Senator from Cedar Rapids. Republican Senator Brad Zaun, from Urbandale.
Everyone we spoke with had only positive things to say about moviemaking in Iowa. Some said people like to have movies made here, that it was exciting and fun. Some offered tips as to how to approach the legislature in order to better sell the idea of making the film office a success again. Next week and during each week the legislature is in session, Jay and I will return to the Iowa Capitol and talk to legislative leaders in our drive to keep filmmaking alive in Iowa.
(pictured from last year's session: me, jay, dave, and Senator Hamerlinck)
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