Thursday, February 23, 2012

Untitled But Sincere Remorse


  1. Give it a rest Gino.

  2. Dear Anonymous: because I am a gentleman I will not respond to your rude comment, nor will I point out that your concealed identity is not very daring. But God bless you anyway.

  3. Yes Gene, You are a gentleman.

    Which is why I assumed that you got the drift of what I was saying in what I thought was a humorous way. What happened was a honest mistake on your part and I thought that you didn't need make such a big deal out of it. Your hard work on all of our behalves is most appreciated.

    My concealed identity, at times, is my favored approach to doing things because what I was writing was not about me. Nor did I want to attract attention to myself. As far as standing in the arena and slugging it out is concerned. I have done that many times and I fear no one. Whether they are lawyers, producers or thugs all of which I have encountered from time to time over the last 45 years and I am still standing.

    Just ask the people who were in the court room during the Wheeler trial?
    I spoke up for the program both good and bad and for Tom, no matter what the AG said and did so for almost 4 and 1/2 hours.

    See if you can guess who I am? I have given you several hints in this message. You might be surprised. And if you do guess who I am you can send me an e-mail directly since we have communicated many times before and even spoken on the phone.

    Your mysterious friend, The Buck Town Kid
