Saturday, August 27, 2011

Wendol Jarvis, The Man With A Plan

Since the collapse of the film program in Iowa, former IFO director Wendol Jarvis has made countless trips from his home in Kansas City to Des Moines in his tireless effort to redesign the Iowa Film Office and laws relating to film production. This is all on his own dime and time. I know that there have been efforts to control what used to be the Iowa Film Production Guide by various groups and individuals, but I think it should all be under the IFO. There has even been talk of taking control of the IFO by outside entities. I personally have seen Wendol's plans for improving the Iowa Film Office, including charts and graphs and pages of brilliant details and hope Wendol will prevail. His return will mean he will rekindle important and extensive industry connections, which is essential for successfully relaunching the IFO and rebuilding trust and interest on the part of producers.

1 comment:

  1. Any updated information regarding Wendol and the Iowa Film Office?
