Sunday, August 7, 2011

Tom Wheeler trial finally underway

After being delayed 4 times at least, the trial of Tom Wheeler looks like it may be finally beginning, according to this article on WHO-TV's website:,0,6415666.story

There seems to be a feeling from many people that the idea of this trial is to "throw Tom Wheeler under the bus" and leave higher-ups of his from the Iowa Department of Economic Development (IDED) and members of the Culver administration, including former Governor Chet Culver himself, unscathed by the scandal with total blame assigned to Wheeler. We'll have to stay tuned to see how all of this plays out. Besides the Tom Wheeler trial, there are 3 other known trials that have been reported by the press.


  1. So... what do you think about Bruce copping a plea?

  2. from a potential 25 years to a 2 year suspended sentence? really? the state is obviously desperate to get someone to say something bad against Wheeler. we all know he's being made the scapegoat. i hope the jury comes back with a full acquittal. tom did a lot of good things for film makers in Iowa. Look at all the projects the State is now authorizing payments and tax credits - Tom did all that work. When does he get credit for those projects?

  3. So Tom was trying to help. Why is Bruce throwing him under the bus? To save his own theiving skin. What a guy.

  4. See the excerpt below from this original article where Tom praises Bruce. And now Bruce is supposedly going to testify against Tom?

    From Iowa City Press Citizen; "10 People to Watch"

    Bruce Heppner-Elgin, 38, wants to promote independent filmmaking in Iowa.The screenwriter and co-director of the Landlocked Film Festival is active on a number of film boards in Iowa and sees his new festival as a way to raise awareness for his cause. "It's an outlet for people who are making films in Iowa," he said. "We also encourage other people to come check it out, to see what independent film is being made in Iowa." Tom Wheeler, film office manager in the Iowa Department of Economic Development, said he thinks Heppner-Elgin is going to do big things in film -- whether with the festival, as a writer and filmmaker, or even in teaching others to be better filmmakers. "All of that talent and energy, his enthusiasm is incredible," Wheeler said.

  5. Tom was right about one thing, Bruce did "big things in film." Big illegal things.
