Hello Everyone,
I just sent out letters to the chambers of commerce in towns/cities I could think of that had movies shot in their communities, asking them to send me accounts of how movies being shot in their towns positively impacted them. If you have accounts or know someone who would write, please help by sending those accounts to my blog, Iowa Film Insider (http://iowafilminsider.blogspot.com/), or my facebook group, I.A.C.T., or even directly to me via email and I will copy and paste into the blog...
My aim is to keep the blog and facebook group alive from now until the next iowa legislature convenes again in January. This spring and summer I plan to work with Senator Bill Dotzler, Jr., and other legislators and colleagues on redesigning a new Iowa film bill, one that Mr. Dotzler and others promise will NOT have a suspension feature, thus erasing the present three year suspension.
A great start. Hopefully we'll start hearing from everybody.