Tuesday, April 23, 2013


I know there are many out there who want to know who is going to be the next manager of the Iowa Film Office and what the film office will do to improve their creative lives.  Jay Villwock and I went to the Iowa State House today and succeeded in discovering NOTHING.  We have contacted Iowa Cultural Affairs and a spokesman there didn't even claim to know anything.  We do know that the appropriations bill is now in a joint house/senate conference committee and that the money allotted for the IFO will likely be ample.  We know that our two top choices to head the IFO were rejected and that the future of film-making in Iowa will likely be limited to commercial work and independent tiny-budget films, if any.  The idea that Hollywood film-makers would come back to Iowa and bring jobs to actors and crew now seems like only a hopeful dream that has all but disappeared.  Tax incentives certainly will not come back into play for many years, and without them producers will go to states where there still are movie tax incentive programs in force.  (Photo shows how political craziness has taken a toll on Jay).


  1. Hopefully Mary Cownie doesn't make a huge mistake letting this huge billion dollar industry skip Iowa because of Tom Wheeler.

    There are hundreds of us film-industry Iowas who'd joyfully and immediately come home, if only our home offered the film careers and success we find in other states.

    1. I am so glad you responded and agree with your sentiments. Thanks very, very much!!!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. Even Korea offers tax incentives:

