Today Jay Villwock and I were joined by our friend Dave Thrasher as this was his day off from his job. Dave's been spending lots of time researching things pertaining to the drive to promote ample funding for the Iowa Film Office, such as compiling lists of Iowa legislators, committees, plus much more. The three of us got to the Iowa Capitol early in the morning and this turned out to be a mistake because the first gavel was to happen at one p.m. Fortunately, we were not shut-out. We met Representative Sharon Steckman on the steps leading to the House chamber and she was very warm and easy to talk to. She couldn't understand why the House was going overboard in slashing so many programs because "there is a billion dollar surplus". In addition, she said she would speak to key legislators for us.
We left the State House and returned at about lunch time. Senator Dennis Black advised us to speak with key committee members, committees involved in deciding budget matters. We also were able to speak with Senator Nancy Boettger of Cedar Rapids, who said her son and daughter-in-law are actors there. The senator said she's been a legislator for eighteen years and felt there would be money allocated for the Iowa Film Office this session.
Representative Tyler Olson, who is a member of one of the important decision-making committees, said he would not stand in the way of the needs of the IFO budget matter and that he is "with you guys!". Representative Ruth Ann Gaines said she is behind us and "you know I'm with you!".
Senate President Jack Kibbie said to speak with more legislators, not just him. He was very friendly and was with his wife who assists him in his legislative work.
Jay is always on the trail of someone to talk to about the Iowa film crisis and today he managed to find Governor Branstad about to conduct an interview. Jay told him that we were hard at work trying to gather support for getting the IFO sufficiently funded and the governor said, " Hope we get it in!"
We always manage to talk with PAID lobbyists (we are the UNPAID ones) and we were told by a few that the recent vote by the Iowa House to grant zero funding for the IFO was part of the game played on the Hill each year. Several lobbyists and legislators suggested that we not panic, that the session is not yet over and that we should expect some level of funding for the IFO before this year's session ends.
Gene L. Hamilton
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