Shortly after arriving at the Iowa Capitol Building today Jay Villwock and I met former Iowa Film Office director Wendol Jarvis. The three of us worked as a team today and before we could take our first steps we met Senator Brad Zaun, who said the film tax credit portion of the IFO funding bill was struck down in the senate, with his vote being the only one to keep the tax credits. He said this issue would likely go to a conference committee for further discussion. With the issue of tax credits now being removed I think legislators will be more inclined to support Governor Branstad's recommendation of funding the IFO with an allocation of $400,000, but I also think the Iowa House needs to receive more emails from the Iowa film community and others of you who may not be in the film industry but want film making to return to Iowa. Emails should state that film tax credits have NOTHING to do with the film office issue now. Many legislators, especially on the House side, have been skittish about funding the IFO because of their fear of further troubles with tax credits. Hard to believe, but this is quite true as Jay and I have learned from many discussions with these representatives over the past three legislative sessions.
The three of us also met with Rep. Dan Kelley, who does know the facts of this matter, and who has been in close touch with his House colleague and fellow film supporter, Ruth Ann Gaines. Rep. Gaines wants to add an amendment to the current effort to fund the big "Filed of Dreams" bill which would enable the expansion of the Dyersville site of that famous movie, an expansion to attract more tourists to Iowa. Rep. Gaines' amendment would emphasize the importance of funding of the IFO. Gaines' move is well-timed considering how popular that movie was and that it was the IFO under the leadership of Wendol Jarvis that brought the film to Iowa.
We popped in to see the governor's office manager,Leo Hough, a longtime friend of Wendol's. We went over our activities of the day with Leo, who always seems eager to keep up with what is happening with the film issue and who works directly with the governor.
Although very polite and generous with his time to speak with us today, Senator Paul McKinley seemed not inclined to offer his support to the film issue. He stated that we need to speak with Senator Dvorsky, but Jay and I have tried that many times only to be brushed off by him. I felt that Senator McKinley didn't understand the impact of films made in this state.
Rep. Anesa Kajtazovic spoke with us and indicated that she is interested in giving her support to the IFO being revived. She told us that she has personally received many emails from you readers out there, so THANKS to you for hammering away...it seems to be effective!!!
I stopped Senator Merlin Bartz on the rotunda level and he spoke with us and commented that his son is a musician who is eager to gain an agent. Jay and I gave him a suggestion as to who to contact, as did Wendol. I think Senator Bartz is an ally.
Here's what I think. The film tax credit issue is out. The IFO bill is free of that stigma. IF legislators ALL know this I think funding for the IFO will stand a much better chance of succeeding. Thus, it is still vital that you write to Iowa Rep.'s and senators, urging them to stress keeping Governor Branstad's FULL suggested allocation of $400,000 to fund the Iowa Film Office.
I don't know when the shuffling from the House to the Senate will end, but when does end we will need to come out of it with our film office once again in place with Wendol Jarvis leading it. It will take much effort to re-establish trust with movie producers, but Wendol has twenty years of IFO experience and lots of connections, so he is our best hope to get many of you working again.
Thanks so much for writing and helping this situation improve by your letters and calls.
Gene L. Hamilton