Another Trip To Push For the Iowa Film Office
The time is coming when the Iowa Film Office will get off the ground and stand up straight, revived and ready to rebuild the film program here. It's been such a long, long time. This is the third year that Jay Villwock and I have circulated within the Iowa Capitol Building and this may be the last session because our primary goal has been to ask Iowa senators and representatives to look with favor upon supporting the film industry here and it looks like our film office will set-up shop this summer. We feel this way because things are lining up nicely - that the governor's 2013 budget will be approved, at least his specific recommendation that $400,000 be allocated to support the IFO's return. And we also feel that our friend, Wendol Jarvis, will certainly be back to run that office, with the Governor's and the legislature's blessings.
We met with Representative Stu Iverson, a longtime legislator, who told us he didn't see any problems as far as both houses approving the suggested funding. And the governor's legislative liaison, Todd Schulz, shared that sentiment. Chairman of the House Appropriations SubCommittee, Representative Jason Schultz told us he, too, is in favor of this.
Vice Chairman of the Senate Appropriations SubCommittee, Senator Joe Seng, said that his committee went over the IFO budget suggestion in their meeting today and feels there is a strong likelihood it will pass both houses. He added that with committee Chairman Senator Bill Dotzler, Jr.'s certain approval, it will become even more likely to pass. Both Senator Seng and Dotzler have been there for us since the crisis began under Governor Culver's administration.
Jay and I met with Wendol Jarvis today as well. He has made countless trips from his Kansas City home to the capitol to meet with key legislators and many times directly with Governor Branstad. He has spent his own time and money to assist us all.
Once the budget is approved by both Iowa houses, it will go to the governor for his signature and become law. The new budget becomes effective on 1 July 2012. And as I have reported before, the Iowa Film Office will be placed in Iowa Cultural Affairs, where Mary Cownie is director. Mary is married to Representative Pete Cownie, who many times told us of his own support for the Iowa film industry. Jay and I met with Mary last summer and feel she is behind us as well.
Gene L. Hamilton
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