Relayed to me by Gene, who is relaxing in the San Francisco sunshine while picking juicy oranges from out his window as he writes this:
While I explored the California film world as my wife and I visited with our daughter in the San Francisco Bay area, my fellow Capitol Soldier Jay Villwock climbed the grassy hill to the Iowa Statehouse and fought the battle alone today, for which he lashed out at me with great force and volume!
He spoke directly with several legislators, including our strongest allies, Senators Dotzler, Black, Seng, and Zaun, who are all solidly supportive of Iowa filmmakers. Jay also established contact with Senator Steve Sodders, a democrat from State Center, who said he would be in favor of the Iowa Film Office returning as long as there is sufficient oversight. Senator Dotzler said he and Senator Sodders are working together to get the IFO matter underway smoothly.
Jay met with attorney Bill Wimmer briefly, and also with Richard Thornton, lobbyist for the Motion Picture Association of America.
And Jay spoke with Governor Branstad, whispering "Films" in the governor's ear, after prefacing that with a reminder of the famous line in "The Graduate", ..."Plastics". The governor said he thinks the IFO would fit best within the Iowa Cultural Affairs Department and that it would require specific appropriations. I remember that we were told by a non-legislator that funding was in place already, but apparently that information was incorrect.
A very good day for Jay. His experience a TV capitol hill reporter has led to his making excellent contacts on the hill and it has also made it possible for me to learn from jay the ins and outs of how to navigate the system of Iowa politics under the beautiful gold dome.
Thanks, Jay!!! A letter of commendation may be on the way...
Gene L. Hamilton
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