Jay and I returned to the Iowa Capitol today and met with several people, including our Iowa Film Family's close friend and supporter, Senator Bill Dotzler, Jr., and someone else who is very much with us, David Roederer, who is one of Governor Branstad's top advisors and is a former Branstad chief of staff during the governor's earlier terms in office.
We spoke with Eric Tabor, an attorney in the Iowa Attorney General's office, who said there is no Iowa Film Office and that there is a single state employee who fields questions in his office relating to any film issues. He suggested that we work on getting amendments going to re-establish the Iowa Film Office and redesign what used to be the IDED.
Nobody we've met with has said they do not want the Iowa Film Office back and running. In fact, most say it's a shame our film program was totally axed, all because of the greed and stupidity of a relative few.
On our way out, I put in a good word for former IFO director, Wendol Jarvis, to Rep. Pete Cownie, whose wife Mary is the new head of the Iowa Cultural Affairs Office.
Things are happening behind the scenes, but nothing will happen suddenly.
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