Friday, October 15, 2010

New charges likely in film scandal

Once again The Des Moines Register is trumpeting that the charges in the film scandal are going to "mushroom". It's been like this all year but only two trials are set to go on: the trial of the producers of "The Scientist" for fraud and for Tom Wheeler, the former Film Office head, - their convenient political scapegoat - for "nonfelonious misconduct in office". Nobody else is going to trial - not Culver, not the people overseeing Tom Wheeler, not the productions who bought the luxury vehicles for their directors.

The new announcement from the Iowa Attorney General's Office is naturally timed to coincide with the elections, since both the Attorney General and the Governor are up for re-election. The Des Moines Register brings up little in the way of new information other than some of the films that will be receiving reduced or no film tax credits. I'm sure the politicians will be milking this one as long as they can - at our expense.

Here is a link to the Des Moines Register Article:

New charges likely in film scandal


  1. And once again your insight is SPOT ON! Can't you bring this up to the Register so they can seek your comments before they write another non-story story?

  2. The trial of Tom Wheeler and the folks connected to The Scientist are test trials that will clarify what is legal and what is not via the rulings of the court. Others will be brought up on charges accordingly so I wouldn't be too sure of yourselves.
