Another trip to the Iowa State House today. Just as we got to the rotunda level, the level for the entrances of both the Senate and House chambers, we were greeted by Senator Bill Dotzler, Jr., of Waterloo. And just as the senator joined Jay Villwock and me at a table near the senate chamber entrance, Wendol Jarvis also joined us. Thus, an impromptu meeting began.
Of course the topic of discussion was the Iowa Film Office. Rep. Jason Schultz and Senator Dotzler are the co-chairs of the Economic Development Budget Conference Committee, where the matter of deciding on funding for the Iowa Film Office has landed and where the life or death of that office will be decided. Schultz is determined to thwart funding of the IFO and Dotzler is determined to get at least some funding for it.
During our meeting, Wendol provided Senator Dotzler with a few examples of how much of a financial impact films can make on a community, examples based on his twenty years of experience as director of the IFO. The senator will use this information when trying to persuade opponents of the film office to change their minds.
A meeting of the above-mentioned conference committee was scheduled for one p.m. today in senate conference room twenty-two in the capitol building, where five members of each chamber were to face off in a discussion of budget matters, including funding of the film office. A few legislators waited for all committee members to appear but only four or five made it to the meeting and the discussion was postponed until next Monday.
Today Jay and I also spoke with Rep. Dan Kelley, who has carried our message to the House floor and tried to gain support for we in the Iowa film community. He, and his House colleagues Ruth Ann Gaines and Ako Abdul-Samad have been working together to widen support for us in the House chamber.
Wendol had a productive meeting with Director of Management and Budget, David Roederer, who urged that we all continue to contact legislators for their support.
We popped in to see the governor's office manager, Leo Hough, where we brought our latest news about our experiences today. Leo has kept the governor informed about what Jay and I have accomplished during our weekly visits to the Iowa State house.
The official ending date for this current Iowa legislative session has passed recently but the session is expected to continue one to two more weeks. During the remaining days of this session Jay and I will continue to make our Capitol visits and I will continue to keep you readers current with what's happening.
Stay tuned.
Gene L. Hamilton
photo shows Wendol Jarvis and Senator Bill Dotzler, Jr.